Veteran Benefits Office
Hours: Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Frequently Asked Questions
Quick answers to veteran and military benefits questions.
Who is the UC Irvine Veteran Benefits Program Director?
Emily McCollister is the UC Irvine Veteran Benefits Program Director and School Certifying Official (SCO), located in the Office of Enrollment Management. She handles all areas of veteran education benefits. The best way to contact the Veteran Benefits Director is by email. Documents should be submitted only through the secure file upload. Please include your UC Irvine student ID number in all correspondence.
Who is the Director of the UC Irvine Veteran Services Center?
Dani Molina is the Director of the UC Irvine Veteran Services Center. He works with military-connected students in all areas other than education benefits — resources, events, outreach, counseling, and special issues. His office is in G306 UC Irvine Student Center. Please include your UC Irvine student ID number on all correspondence.
Who is the contact for general questions about VA education benefit eligibility or a submitted enrollment certification?
Contact a live representative at the VA education benefits telephone number 888-442-4551. Also see the VA Education and Training (GI Bill) website Ask a Question tab.
For Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) (chapter 31) benefits, call 510-637-6128. Students already enrolled in VR&E should contact a program counselor.
Benefit Coverage
Can more than one VA education benefit be used at the same time?
No. Only one VA education program (chapter) benefit can be used at the same time. A CalVet fee waiver can be used with chapter 33 or 35 benefits, as long as it is not Plan A.
Does the VA reimburse national test (LSAT, GMAT, etc.) fees?
Yes. Please complete VA form 22-0810 (Application for Reimbursement of National Exam Fee)
Do VA education benefits cover nonresident supplemental tuition?
No. However, nonresident supplemental tuition (NRST) can be waived under the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014 (VACAA) Section 702 for eligible students using Post-9/11 GI Bill or Montgomery GI Bill benefits.
Do VA education benefits cover the UCSHIP (health insurance) fee?
Montgomery Bill (chapters 30 and 1606), Survivors’ and Dependents Assistance (chapter 35), Veteran Readiness and Employment (chapter 31), and CalVet benefits do not cover the UCSHIP fee. Post-9/11 GI Bill (chapter 33) benefits cover the portion of the UCSHIP fee that corresponds to the GI Bill eligibility percentage on the student VA Certificate of Eligibility.
Some financial aid packages may include a grant for the UCSHIP fee. Aid recipients should check their Financial Aid Notification for details.
Can VA education benefits be used toward a study abroad program?
No, VA education benefits cannot be applied toward study abroad programs at UC Irvine
Does the VA reimburse students for payments made to a tutor?
Yes. The VA will pay up to $100 per month for tutorial assistance. Inquire with the Veterans Benefits Coordinator, or see VA form 22-1990t (Application for Individualized Tutorial Assistance).
How do I know if my degree program, residency, or fellowship is approved for VA education benefits?
For an accurate list of our currently approved VA programs, please visit the website below. Once you find the “University of California-Irvine,” click on the “Programs” tab. Once you are there, click on “Institution of Higher Learning” and you will see the list of our approved VA programs.
I’ve made changes to my schedule but have already submitted my Request for Certification (RFC) form, do I need to notify you?
Yes! You won’t need to complete a new form, but you will need to send us an email at letting us know which classes were added/dropped and the number of units so that we can update the VA with these changes.
Why was an amendment or adjustment reported to the VA?
You may receive several certification emails from the VA indicating an adjustment or amendment. Aside from having to report any enrollment changes (like unit add/drops) or grades (non-punitive grades like NPs and Ws), the VA requires us to perform a “dual certification” for Chapter 33 beneficiaries. Dual certification is the process by which a school may certify an enrollment and fill out the term dates, credit hours, and other pertinent information (claimant’s SSN, address, school facility code, etc.) after the initial enrollment certification. After the drop/add period, the VBO will submit an amended enrollment certification with the updated tuition and fees amount, if needed.
What is the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act (VACAA)?
The VACA Act is known as the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014, or the Choice Act. Section 702 of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014 (“Choice Act”), requires VA to disapprove programs of education for payment of benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill® and Montgomery GI Bill®-Active Duty at public Institutions of Higher Learning (IHLs) if the school charges qualifying veterans and dependents tuition and fees in excess of the rate for resident students for terms beginning after July 1, 2015. Under the VACAA, the out-of-state portion of the tuition is waived. For more information, please visit
How do I qualify for the non-resident waiver under VACAA?
For veterans, you can qualify for the VACAA if you are living in the state of the institution regardless of your formal state of residence.
For dependents, you can qualify for the VACAA if you are using transferred benefits, living in the state of the institution regardless of your formal state of residence, OR if the sponsor is currently in active-duty service.
Please contact a UC Irvine Residency Officer at to determine if you are eligible for any military non-resident tuition exemptions.
For more information, please visit,
What if I qualify for the non-resident waiver under VACAA, but I exhaust my Post-9/11 GI Bill® Benefits?
If you are using the Post-9/11 GI Bill®, also known as Chapter 33, and qualify for the waiver, as long as you are continuously enrolled at UC Irvine you can remain eligible for the waiver, even if you have exhausted your Chapter 33 benefits.
If you take a break from enrollment, the Registrar’s Office will need to reevaluate your eligibility for the waiver upon re-enrollment.
Can I use the VACAA waiver along with the CalVet waiver?
You cannot use the VACAA nonresident waiver along with the CalVet fee waiver. The CalVet fee waiver is only available to those meeting California residency requirements, and the VACAA waiver is for nonresidents.
Financial Aid
How do VA education benefits affect a financial aid package?
Failure to report VA funding may result in the student receiving an over-award. This would be revealed by term-end reports. Any excess funding the student has received, whether it has already been spent or not, must be returned. Students must inform UC Irvine Financial Aid and Scholarships about upcoming VA awards as early as possible so their award can be properly adjusted. VA funding can be easily reported on the student Financial Aid Notification.
What financial aid can be used in addition to VA education benefits?
Students using any VA benefit can use any financial aid award that is considered general in nature (such as a Pell grant, student loan, or outside scholarship).
Financial awards specifically designated as tuition and fee-specific (such as Cal grant or UCSHIP waiver) may not be used with chapter 33, 31, or CalVet waiver funding.
Is a veteran or service member eligible for priority enrollment?
Yes. By law, active or former members of the U.S. armed forces, or former members who have left military service (with any discharge other than dishonorable or bad conduct), are eligible for priority enrollment. GI Bill recipients are automatically assigned a priority enrollment appointment. Those who do not currently receive GI Bill benefits must present proof of their military service (DD214 form or military ID) to the UC Irvine certifying official. Only veterans or active-duty service members are eligible for priority enrollment; dependents are not eligible.
How are education benefits affected if a student enrolls in fewer units than full-time status?
Generally, UC Irvine students receiving VA education benefits enroll in a full-time course load. However, certification for a less than full-time course load can be made on request:
Post-9/11 GI Bill (chapter 33)
Tuition and fees: A less than full-time course load does not affect the amount sent by the VA to UC Irvine toward tuition and fees.
Post-9/11 GI Bill (chapter 33), Montgomery GI Bill (chapter 30 and 1606/1607), Veteran Readiness and Employment (chapter 31), Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance (chapter 35) MHA or stipend amounts are reduced according to the student rate-of-pursuit calculated by the VA. CalVet benefits are not affected by a less than full-time course load.
How are education benefits affected if classes are dropped?
The Veteran Benefits Office reports quarterly to the VA when a student does not complete the number of units for which they were certified or drops below full-time status (12 units or more for undergraduates, 8 units or more for most graduate students). The VA determines how or if it will bill the student for a portion of their tuition, MHA, or stipend funding.
CalVet benefits are not affected by dropping a class.
How are education benefits affected if a student receives an NP, U, or F grade?
The Veteran Benefits Office reports quarterly to the VA when a student does not complete the number of units for which they were certified, including not receiving credit due to an NP (no pass), U (unsatisfactory), or F grade. The VA determines how or if it will bill the student for a portion of their tuition, MHA, or stipend funding.
CalVet benefits are not affected by an NP, U, or F grade.
What if my enrollment window opens after the deadline to submit my Request for Certification (RFC)?
Our expectation is that students anticipate their classes for any given academic term in accordance with both study plans and major-specific course progression. Please contact your academic advisor for help with completing your degree plan. To avoid delays in your Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) disbursement, submit a “New” Request for Certification (RFC) by our stated deadline and an “Updated” RFC with any unit and/or course changes. This will ensure we submit your request in advance and avoid delays in receipt of your benefits.
Is a veteran or service member eligible for priority housing?
Yes. Priority housing is a benefit given to all student veterans and active-duty service members. Contact the Veteran Services Center for more information.
For what period is the monthly housing allowance (MHA) or stipend issued?
MHA or stipend funds are paid by the VA for periods in which the student is enrolled in classes. There is no VA funding for times when the student is not enrolled, such as during an optional summer term.
Funds are sent directly to the student by check or direct deposit. Funding amount is based on the previous month’s enrollment.
The quarter/semester just started, why hasn’t my Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) come yet?
The MHA works like a paycheck. It is awarded after each month is completed. For example, if the student is in school for September, the payment is expected to arrive within the first few days of October.
Why is my MHA payment less than expected?
The MHA payment is prorated based on the number of days the student is under instruction. For example, in September, if instruction is from September 28 to 30, the payment is prorated for payment of only those three days, which will be less than the full MHA payment.